function(input, output, session) {
Titanic2 <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Titanic2 <- cbind(Titanic2, value = seq_len(nrow(Titanic2)))
Titanic2$label <- apply(Titanic2[, 2:4], 1, paste, collapse = ', ')
updateSelectizeInput(session, 'group', choices = Titanic2, server = TRUE)
output$row <- renderPrint({
input$group, 'Please type and search (e.g. Female)'
Titanic2[as.integer(input$group), -(6:7)]
selectizeInput('group', NULL, NULL, multiple = TRUE, options = list(
placeholder = 'Select a category',
# predefine all option groups
optgroups = list(
list(value = '1st', label = 'First Class'),
list(value = '2nd', label = 'Second Class'),
list(value = '3rd', label = 'Third Class'),
list(value = 'Crew', label = 'Crew')
# 'Class' is a field in Titanic2 created in server.R
optgroupField = 'Class',
optgroupOrder = c('1st', '2nd', '3rd', 'Crew'),
# you can type and search in these fields in Titanic2
searchField = c('Sex', 'Age', 'Survived'),
# how to render the options (each item is a row in Titanic2)
render = I("{
option: function(item, escape) {
return '<div>' + escape(item.Age) + ' (' +
(item.Sex == 'Male' ? '♂' : '♀') + ', ' +
(item.Survived == 'Yes' ? '♥' : '⊝') + ')' +
title = 'Using options groups for server-side selectize input'