Namespaced conditional panels

My first plot

The plot below will be not displayed when the slider value is less than 50.

My second plot

The plot below will be not displayed when the slider value is less than 50.
show with app
myPlotUI <- function(id, label = "My Plot") {
  ns <- NS(id)
    column(4, wellPanel(
        "Number of points:",
        min = 10,
        max = 200,
        value = 50,
        step = 10

      "The plot below will be not displayed when the slider value",
      "is less than 50.",

      # With the conditionalPanel, the condition is a JavaScript
      # expression. In these expressions, input values like
      # input$n are accessed with dots, as in input.n
      conditionalPanel("input.n >= 50",
                       ## The condition is namespaced to this particular
                       ## instance of this module by providing the ns parameter.
                       ## Consequently, input.n refers to this module's input
                       ## named n, and no other.
                       ns = ns,
                       plotOutput(ns("scatterPlot"), height = 300))

myPlot <- function(input, output, session, deviates) {
  output$scatterPlot <- renderPlot({
    x <- rnorm(input$n)
    y <- rnorm(input$n)
    plot(x, y)

server <- function(input, output) {
  callModule(myPlot, "plot1")
  callModule(myPlot, "plot2")

ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Namespaced conditional panels"),
    myPlotUI("plot1", label = "My first plot")
    myPlotUI("plot2", label = "My second plot")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)