Suppress Whitespace!
This should contain whitespace inside the single quotes (default behavior): '
This should NOT contain whitespace inside the single quotes: 'Shiny'.
The first link above doesn't specify a `.noWS` argument, so spacing is added around the link which isn't the ideal presentation since we want to enquote it. The second link sets `.noWS="outside"` to squash the whitespace around the link. |
# Define UI for app
ui <- fluidPage(
# App title ----
titlePanel("Suppress Whitespace!"),
tags$div(id="first", "This should contain whitespace inside the single quotes (default behavior): '", tags$a(href="", "Shiny"), "'."),
tags$div(id="firstOutcome", class="alert alert-info"),
tags$div(id="second", "This should NOT contain whitespace inside the single quotes: '", tags$a(href="", "Shiny", .noWS="outside"), "'."),
tags$div(id="secondOutcome", class="alert alert-info"),
helpText("The first link above doesn't specify a `.noWS` argument, so spacing is added around the link which isn't the ideal presentation since we want to enquote it. The second link sets `.noWS=\"outside\"` to squash the whitespace around the link."),
// Some JavaScript to help automate testing
function testWhitespace(inputId, outputId, noWhitespaceExpected) {
var output = $('#' + outputId);
if (/'Shiny'/.test($('#' + inputId).text()) === noWhitespaceExpected) {
} else {
testWhitespace('first', 'firstOutcome', false);
testWhitespace('second', 'secondOutcome', true);
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram ----
server <- function(input, output) {
output$package <- renderText({
paste0("Testing on htmltools version '", packageVersion("htmltools"), "'")
# Create Shiny app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)